Monday 14 October 2013


Last week I mentioned that I was researching BDSM for my third book in the 'Sirens and Sailors' Series.  Since then I've been amazed at just how much information is available.  The internet is full of interesting sites - though some of it gives conflicting views so isn't always reliable.  I'm getting some great ideas for scenes for the book though!  I'm just eager to get it correct and feasible.  Many thanks to those of you who emailed me with suggestions for my research, personal recommendations are invaluable.

Not surprisingly, my reading this week has centred mainly on non-fiction books about BDSM and the writing thereof, and also a re-read of a favourite fiction book, ''Retraining the Sub" by Jennifer Denys.  I love Jennifer's work and hope to be interviewing her on my blog very soon.

The cover for my first book 'Last of the Sirens', is well underway now and will be revealed shortly.  Launch date is 19 November 2013.  

Enjoy whatever you're reading and/or writing at the moment, and keep in touch.