Sunday 3 November 2013

BDSM...and Baking!

Hi all

Happy Sexy Sunday!!  Not my normal blogging day, but things have been a bit hectic in the Settarra household recently and as a result I have neglected my blog shamefully :(
On the upside, my cover is now through and edits have been sent off.

I hope you like it - I love the image of the setting, exactly how I imagined it to be!
We're still on schedule for publication on November 19th - so exciting!!

Have sent the second book in the 'Sirens and Sailors' series to the publishers, 'Scourge of the Siren' - keeping fingers well and truly crossed that they like it.  It follows the story of the couple on the cover above, as they adapt to a new life, with an unexpected adventure along the way.  

The third book is well underway at the moment, I've been busy researching BDSM for this one (no wonder I'm so shattered!! ;)   xx).  This focuses on one of the other Sirens and a really dominant sailor.  I'm hoping to capture the emotional side of Dom-sub relationships, not just the practicalities, so I've been talking to people in the lifestyle and finding it all totally fascinating!  Hope it comes across as such in the book!

I've also been finding my way around Facebook, and now have a profile and a page on there - look me up if you get a minute - I'd love to hear from you!   I've been amazed at how friendly everyone is there!!

Well, best get back to work now, I've promised myself at least another chapter today, as well as the three baskets of ironing, shopping for the week and some baking!!  Whoever said Sunday was a day of rest?????


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