Wednesday 11 February 2015


Hi Everyone

I can't believe how hectic life has been lately! Not only did 'Red-Light Wrangler' swoop to the best sellers list within a week of being launched, but I've also been working hard on my next release which is due to be released this Friday, 13th February.  What do you think of my new cover? I think the cover artists at Etopia Press have really done me proud on this one!

This is the first of a new series, 'Collar and Cuffs' which is set in a Miami BDSM club. The stories follow some of the waitresses who work in the restaurant attached to the salubrious club. The first book centres around a newcomer, Summer Marsden, who is trying to start a new life for herself after fleeing a violent ex-boyfriend.

I am so pleased that the production date of this book has been brought forward and now coincides with the release of the movie of 'Fifty Shades of Grey' - and the manageress of my nearest large Cineworld, in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, has very kindly agreed to allow me to advertise my books in the foyer of the cinema while the movie is being screened. I am truly grateful to her!

I promise to release more info about the book once it is released - including some background for you on how and why I came to write the series. Watch this space...

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