Monday 16 February 2015


Hi there and welcome to my world.

Well, like millions of others I just HAD to go and see the movie of 'Fifty Shades of Grey', having LOVED the books - although I have to admit that 'Freed' seemed a bit of a let-down in my opinion. I have to say that I wasn't disappointed in the movie at all. Some of the dialogue wasn't quite as good as it might have been, imo, but I thought the actors did a great job and the emotion was palpable.

I couldn't help wondering if I wouldn't have enjoyed the film more if I hadn't already read the book - I found myself looking for certain bits that had obviously been cut from the script - and wasn't there a gay friend missing somewhere?

I don't know why, but I was actually hoping for a happy ending, although I clearly remember crying my eyes out as I read the last few pages of the book, and made my hubby take me out to buy 'Fifty Shades Darker' as soon as the shops opened the next day. I was desperate to know that Ana and Christian were OK.

I was a little  tearful and snivelly at the end of the film, but it's hard to have a good cry when everyone suddenly jumps up around you and starts trying to leave the cinema all at the same time.

It was a great way to spend Valentine's night, though, and I felt the timing of it was perfect.  I was so thrilled when my latest BDSM book, 'Waiting on Summer' released on the same day, and the manageress of my local cinema allowed me to advertise my books in the cinema foyer to coincide with the screening of FSOG.

Have a great week, and let me know what you thought of THAT movie...

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